For more than 20 years it is the greatest pleasure for me, spotting through my viewfinder, to find the best pictures to tell stories, provoke emotions and to attract the audience.

I do not have a special genre – I love all kinds of camerawork, from tiny team documentary projects around the world, low budget music videos to big budget corporate films and commercials – but my heart especially beats for fiction films. Capturing the magic moments, created by passionate and talented people, behind and in front of my camera, that is, what makes me burn for my profession.
I firmly believe that all genres overlap and inspire each other – that it is an advantage for a commercial shoot to have experience in feature film and that a feature film shoot benefits, if the camera person has learnt on documentary projects how to get the best out of few resources – and of course everything vice versa.
From time to time I am also teaching cinematography and lighting at film- and media schools as well as leading analog hands-on workshops on film festivals. Besides commercial jobs for companies, agencies, production houses and content creators, I support artistic and low budget productions with my passion and with my own production equipment.
If you’ve got any enquiries, don’t hesitate to contact me: